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6 Tips For Maximizing A Hybrid Workplace

A similar survey from job-site Indeed showed that 45% of US remote workers missed in-person meetings with their colleagues, with 46% missing those work-related side conversations that happen in the office. Owl Labs’ 2021 State of Remote Work revealed 90% of employees report the same, or higher, productivity levels working from home compared to the office, as well as 55% of respondents are working longer hours remotely. Meanwhile, Gallup’s research confirms that hybrid workers have a slight edge in terms of productivity. The culture you want to build is key to deciding which type of working model will work best for you. A hybrid remote work model may be your best option if you want flexible working schedules.

work from home and office hybrid

It’s estimated that between 10-30% of office desks will go unused post-pandemic, although 30-40% were typically unoccupied before COVID-19. The ability to cut the actual square footage needed by offering hybrid or work from home options can save significant office space costs. ‘Hybrid working’ is the flexible working model which allows employees to do both home and office-based shifts within their weekly work schedule. Indeed found that over half of US remote workers believe they are more productive when they work from home. The lack of office distractions may suit employees, as they can solely focus on the task at hand without interruptions. Moreover, Buffer found that 98% of people would choose to work remotely (at least part-time) for the rest of their careers if they could.

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The wide variety of these roles signifies the expanding scope of remote work across different fields. Cisco analyzed millions of records of customer telemetry data – aggregated and anonymized – to uncover insights and trends for the hybrid work era. In 10 minutes or less you can evaluate and benchmark your organization’s hybrid work readiness.

The City of London has announced plans to “repurpose” office buildings left empty by the pandemic into at least 1,500 new homes by 2030. The new homes would represent a 20% increase on the current 7,850 residential units and mark a sharp change in direction. Just seven new homes were built in the Square Mile between April 2017 and March 2018. According to a study by Vodafone, 75% of businesses globally have introduced the concept of flexible working and witnessed a high-performance level among its employees. Instead of limiting business activities to contractual business hours and focusing on location, this type of working environment allows employees to be driven by staff’s actual achievements and outputs. Newer office designs are also addressing a wide range of factors that cover not only health and safety but also wellbeing.

Factors To Consider While Choosing A Hybrid Working Model

Remember, the goal of the hybrid model is not just about balancing where we work, but how we work – efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously. Though the extra time commuting on public transport seems to provide some benefits to workers, the average American who drives to work hybrid work from home spends 54 hours a year stuck in traffic. Commuting by car is linked to increased stress, pollution, and respiratory problems and costs the US around $100 billion a year. Create a policy that explains how working from home or hybrid working is addressed in your organisation.

  • Employees facing a set number of days – and able to choose them – should consider their home commitments, says Dr Heejung Chung, an expert in flexible working and reader in sociology at the University of Kent.
  • Explain things that are specific to working from home or hybrid working, and refer to other policies where appropriate.
  • That said, a buzzing office environment of employees with different passions, experiences and cultural references can be a melting pot for strong ideas.

Organizations will need to decide their hybrid or work from home option at both a company and team level. Companies may ask that teams agree on their remote days with their managers or have one ‘crossover’ day together as a team to foster collaboration. Having clear agreements in place before the return to work movement begins is key here for planning. According to The Wall Street Journal, companies such as Dell are using desk booking systems for their Australian offices as they embrace hybrid or work from home options. You’ll need to create a fair system for employees that ensures you’re not paying for reams of unused office space.






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